Monday, June 11, 2007


The Meaning of Life

I thought I should start my blog with the biggest topic I could think of.

Yes, that's right, I have discovered the Meaning of Life. But first, I have to ask the question, "Why does there have to be a meaning?" If you believe in the Bible, you'd say. "..because The Bible tells me so." But this perspective aside, why isn't it possible that there is no meaning at all? Maybe life just is. Why not? Too hard to swallow?

Okay then, here it is... (Trumpets) ..... The Meaning of Life is.... (Drum roll) .... is.....

That's it. Now lets all go on with life and stop worrying about it. "But, but , there must be more." you say. Why? Isn't LIFE enough for you? God's eyes must be rolling back in his head, "These people! I create the universe out of nothing, build in all the physical laws that make life a statistical certainty, and what do I get? What's the meaning?!"

And what about that God 'up there' rolling his eye. On that subject, would the universe be any less awesome if there were no God? Would life be any less wonderful? Maybe....

The real question is not "What is the meaning?", but "Why are you asking the question?"

my rmark about the ultimate meaning is to have fun. now to have fun you need to weed out the bad that the society you live in creates and only keep the good. Because in order to have bad in the world humans have to create it and also in order to have good in the world humans have to create it. And why do we always have to have an excuse to have fun? do we all think that we're not worth enough to waste fun on? well I say we should just have fun our whole lives and if others say you can't then find other people to be around. don't do the job that you're the best at or that you can make the most money at, only do the job you find fun.
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